Ensuring Safety & Upholding Dignity

College Internal Committee(Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

At Udhna College, we are dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all students and staff. Our Internal Committee (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) plays a crucial role in preventing and addressing sexual harassment in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act).

Objectives of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment :-

1. Awareness and Prevention: Promote gender equality and prevent sexual harassment through awareness program.
2. Confidential Reporting: Provide a secure and accessible platform for reporting incidents.
3. Fair Investigation: Conduct impartial and timely investigations of complaints.
4. Recommendation to Management: Offer recommendations to the management for resolving and redressing complaints.
5. Policy Implementation: Ensure the enforcement of anti-sexual harassment policies and procedures.

Definition of Sexual Harassment under POSH

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome acts or behavior such as :-

● Physical contact and advances
● Demand or request for sexual favors
● Sexually colored remarks
● Showing pornography
● Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature Additional forms include eve-teasing, unsavory remarks, jokes causing embarrassment, gender-based insults, unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner, touching, displaying offensive material, forcible physical touch, and physical confinement against one’s will.

The following points are also considered as sexual harassment and are covered by the committee as per PoSH Act:

● Eve-teasing
● Unsavory remarks,
● Jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment,
● Innuendos and taunts,
● Gender based insults or sexist remarks,
● Unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over telephone (obnoxious telephone calls) and the like,
● Touching or brushing against any part of the body and the like,
● Displaying pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or sayings,
● Forcible physical touch or molestation and
● Physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy.
● The Committee shall meet as often as may be needed and appropriate

Frequency of meeting: Twice in a year (Once in a Semester) and as and when necessary.

Punishment for Offenses

Offenders may face:
● Warnings and reprimands
● Suspension
● Termination
● Legal action

Complaint Registration

Complaints related to sexual harassment can be registered with any member of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment. The committee ensures prompt and just resolution, reinforcing our commitment to maintaining a dignified educational environment.

At Udhna College, we are resolute in our stand against sexual harassment, striving to uphold the highest standards of integrity and respect for all.

College Internal Committee(Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

Sr No Name of Member Gender Contact Numbers
1. Dr.Mehul P. Desai
MALE 9898065532
2. Dr. Daisy S. Thekkanal
Vice Principal BBA Programme
FEMALE 9723555786
3. Dr. Manish M. Kayasth
Vice Principal BCA Programme
MALE 9429466679
4. Dr. Tejas R.Ghadiyali
Evening Co-ordinator BCA Programme
MALE 9824120085
5. Dr. Pearl A. Kharas
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9925024879
6. Dr. Krina D. Shah
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9428451227
7. Mr. Mahesh V. Patel
Assistant Professor
MALE 9374801401
8. Dr. Amina I. Nakhuda
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9974641916
9. Ms. Samiksha H. Zaveri
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9427778469
10. Dr. Rudri C. Purohit
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9033346257
11. Mrs. Benaifer D. Dumasia
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9724787067
12. Ms. Jinal V. Purohit
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9374049767
13. Ms. Urvashi N. Mahisury
Assistant Professor
FEMALE 9979487909
14. Mr. Divyesh H. Dave
I/c. Office Superintendent
MALE 9825253808
15. Mr. Shamkumar A. Patil
Head Clerk
MALE 9925938800