Women Cell
• To provide safe environment to Women as she has right to gender equality.
• The aim is that Women should work with dignity and safety.
• To prevent any act of harassment, including Sexual harassment.
• To provide the procedure for resolution, settlement by taking all necessary step in
any kind of harassment.
• To organize various programs and activities for Women empowerment
Sr NO. Name Of Member Qualification Designation
1. Dr. Mehul P. Desai M.com, M.phil, Ph.D, NET Principal
2. Dr. Daisy Thekknal M.Sc, B.Ed, M.B.A,(Fin) Ph.D, NET, PGDRM Vice Principal (B.B.A.Dept.)
3. Dr. Manish M. Kayasth M.C.A, L.L.B, Ph.D Vice Principal (B.C.A.Dept.)
4. Dr. Tejaskumar R. Ghadiyali M.C.A ,Ph.D (Computer Science) Co-Ordinator (B.C.A. Evening Dept.)
5. Dr. Pearl A. Kharas M.B.A, M.Phil, Ph.D Assistant Professor
6. Mr. Mahesh V. Patel M.Sc, M.Phil Assistant Professor
7. Dr. Amina I. Nakhuda M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D Assistant Professor
8. Ms. Benaifer D. Dumasia M.B.A.(Fin.), M.Phil, NET Assistant Professor
9. Ms. Jinal V. Purohit M.C.A., PGDRM, GSLET Assistant Professor
10. Ms. Urvashi N. Mahisury M.C.A, M.Phil Assistant Professor

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